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102 Example Programs for Yeno
Размер: 4 кб
Скачало: 558
Комментариев: 0
102 Example Programs for Yeno  
Действие, Гонки / Вождение, Спортивная (Гонки на мотоциклах, Парусный спорт / Гребля, Скейтбординг, Сноубординг / Лыжный спорт), Аркада, Полёт, Вертолёт, Военно-морская, Арканоидоподобные, Фантастика / Будущее, Шутер, От третьего лица, Боковой скролл
Размер: 50 кб
Скачало: 696
Комментариев: 0
20-em-1 20 em 1 (20 in 1) is a compilation of twenty previously unreleased games in a single cartridge, which came bundled with Tec Toy's Master System III Compact (Master System II in Europe and US). The games included are:

The player is a construction worker trying to get falling tools with a bucket. He... Читать далее »

Ace of Aces
Действие, Симуляция, Полёт, От первого лица
Размер: 86 кб
Скачало: 695
Комментариев: 0
Ace of Aces Ace of Aces is a 1st person, 2D flight simulation. You're onboard a British RAF Mosquito, maverick fighter bomber.

Your mission ... stop enemy trains, intercept the terrible german V-1 buzz bombs, sink the german U-boats and down the Nazi bombers. Are you ready for this challenge?

Action Fighter
Действие, Гонки / Вождение, Аркада, Полёт, Шутер, Сверху вниз
Размер: 52 кб
Скачало: 658
Комментариев: 0
Action Fighter This is a top down vertically scrolling shooter, in which you start off as a motorbike. You are quite vulnerable to attack at first, but power ups come in the form of a Sega van which you have to dock with. The first time you dock you get double fire, the second time gives you a rocket, the third gives... Читать далее »
Addams Family, The
Размер: 166 кб
Скачало: 741
Комментариев: 0
Addams Family, The  

Aerial Assault
Действие, Шутер, От третьего лица, Боковой скроллинг
Размер: 79 кб
Скачало: 619
Комментариев: 0
Aerial Assault In Aerial Assault, you play the Freedom Fighter who must destroy five targets, including the Vinsk, CB-53 Bomber, "El", and two cliff fortresses. During each of the five missions, you will encounter enemy jets, choppers, submarines, jeeps, parachute bombs, and several other enemies in which... Читать далее »
After Burner
Действие, Аркада, Полёт, От третьего лица
Размер: 176 кб
Скачало: 669
Комментариев: 0
After Burner Afterburner, the arcade game that thrilled young and old alike when it was released. With a hydralic seat and its flight control stick with a Vulcan cannon and missiles at your command.

This was a decent conversion of Sega's arcade hit ported to the PC. The game is viewed from behind the plane with... Читать далее »

Air Rescue
Действие, Вертолёт, От третьего лица, Боковой скроллинг
Размер: 77 кб
Скачало: 588
Комментариев: 0
Air Rescue Air Rescue is similar to Choplifter. You are a driver of a helicopter and the object is to rescue hostages without being shot down by soldiers, jeeps, tanks, choppers, and ground-based missiles, and bring them back to base. A maximum of four hostages can fit into the helicopter at any given time, so... Читать далее »
Действие, Аркада, Платформер, Боковой скроллинг
Размер: 249 кб
Скачало: 4297
Комментариев: 0
Aladdin The game from Virgin based on the 1992 animated Disney film is a side-scrolling platformer.The player controls Aladdin, who must make his way through several levels based on locations from the movie: from the streets and rooftops of Agrabah, the Cave of Wonders and the Sultan's dungeon to the final confrontation... Читать далее »
Alex Kidd - BMX Trial
Гонки / Вождение, Спортивная, Сверху вниз
Размер: 62 кб
Скачало: 669
Комментариев: 0
Alex Kidd - BMX Trial As young Alex, your job is to go through an obstacle course and get to the main exit without other competitors trying to push you off your bike. You start out in Blackwood Forest, but depending on which scene you're in, you can travel to Cactus Desert, South Seas, Pyramid River, or Alex's home, Radaxian.... Читать далее »

  Авторский коллектив: svd, Dremora, neoforma
Авторы описаний: Real, Polax, Ser5, ОчДобрыйЧел

E-mail для связи: svd@step.lv

Дизайн сайта: Александр Каличава

Поддержи сайт (bitcoin): 3K6Ky8K5C2UJr63Gjj6zaKtat527oidYUy