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Streets of Rage

ОписаниеОписание К сожалению, у игры "Streets of Rage" отсутствует описание на русском языке. Если Вам удалось описать происходящее в игре, то отошлите, пожалуйста, свое описание по адресу svd@step.lv. Большое спасибо за сотрудничество!

Streets of Rage, Sega's answer to Final Fight, follows the story of three young police officers (Adam Hunter, Axel Stone and Blaze Fielding) in a city controlled by a criminal syndicate led by a "Mr. X" where crime is rampant, which leads the three heroes to make a pact to leave the force and topple the syndicate by themselves.Gameplay is straightforward and simple. Three buttons are used, one to jump, other to attack and another to perform a range attack from a support police car. Each character has a limited set of moves that include punching and kicking or performing a back attack (if in the open), two grapple moves (depending if holding the opponent in front or by the back), a flying attack, and if playing with another player two additional tag attacks, and different abilities: Adam is slow, but a good jumper and a hard hitter, Axel fast and also a hard hitter, but a lousy jumper and Blaze fast and a good jumper, but weak hitter.

Levels are in typical arcade side-scroller fashion: move from left to right (with two exceptions), clearing screens from enemies one after another as fast as possible while avoid taking damage with a boss in the end. Some levels feature "death drops" where the player must avoid falling, while throwing enemies there at the same time, including a typical elevator level. Several items are scattered on the ground, from melee weapons and bonus points (and lives or additional police cars) to apples and turkeys (to restore health).

Жанр Действие, Аниме / Манга, Аркада, Файтинг, Боевые искусства, Боковой скроллинг
РазмерРазмер 126 кб
КартинкиКартинки Оригинальный размер: 160x144. Нажми, чтобы увеличить! Оригинальный размер: 160x144. Нажми, чтобы увеличить!
Подсказки, коды и обманки: Нажмите здесь, чтобы посмотреть подсказки, коды и обманки...
Дата релиза: 1992
Разработчик: SEGA Enterprises Ltd.
Издатель: SEGA of America, Inc.
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Скачало 416 раз
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  Авторский коллектив: svd, Dremora, neoforma
Авторы описаний: Real, Polax, Ser5, ОчДобрыйЧел

E-mail для связи: svd@step.lv

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