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Количество игр на странице: 
Игра Картинка Краткое описание
Pokemon Pinball
Действие, Пинбол, Головоломка, От первого лица, Сверху вниз
Размер: 411 кб
Скачало: 507
Комментариев: 0
Pokemon Pinball Discover a whole new way to catch Pokemon -- by playing pinball! Hit the targets with your Poke Ball to catch and evolve Pokemon. The better you do, the more rare Pokemon you'll find. Every Pokemon you catch is automatically recorded in your Pokedex. See if you can catch all 150!
Pokemon Puzzle Challenge
Стратегия, Головоломка, От первого лица
Размер: 801 кб
Скачало: 484
Комментариев: 0
Pokemon Puzzle Challenge In this pokemon themed game, you must move and match blocks to clear the board before the blocks fill up the screen. It's a tetris like game, with pokemon twist. There are many different ways to play the game, including a challenge with gym leaders, puzzle practice, and a straight, play til you lose,... Читать далее »
Pokemon Red
Приключение, Ролевая, Головоломка
Размер: 1160 кб
Скачало: 927
Комментариев: 0
Pokemon Red You've finally been granted your PokГ©mon trainer's license. Now, it's time to head out to become the world greatest PokГ©mon trainer. Starting with just one PokГ©mon, you need to train hard and vigorously to defeat all 8 gym leaders and the Elite Four.You start out in a simple town with just one PokГ©mon.... Читать далее »
Pokemon Red by Figth
Размер: 323 кб
Скачало: 393
Комментариев: 0
Pokemon Red by Figth  
Pokemon Red-Blue 2-in-1
Размер: 332 кб
Скачало: 461
Комментариев: 0
Pokemon Red-Blue 2-in-1  

Pokemon Silver by BIRC
Размер: 639 кб
Скачало: 492
Комментариев: 0
Pokemon Silver by BIRC  
Pokemon Trading Card Game
Ролевая, Симуляция, Карты, От первого лица, От третьего лица
Размер: 1003 кб
Скачало: 1026
Комментариев: 0
Pokemon Trading Card Game A Gameboy version of the popular card game, in the Pokemon Trading Card Game, your character must collect cards, form decks, and battle gym leaders for better cards. Secret cards can be unlocked by defeating certain characters. Includes card types: grass, fire, water, electric, fighting, psychic, colorless,... Читать далее »
Pokonyan! - Yume no Daibouken
Размер: 118 кб
Скачало: 342
Комментариев: 0
Pokonyan! - Yume no Daibouken  
Polaris SnoCross
Размер: 316 кб
Скачало: 333
Комментариев: 0
Polaris SnoCross  
Pong - The Next Level
Действие, Аркада, Арканоидоподобные, Головоломка
Размер: 54 кб
Скачало: 362
Комментариев: 0
Pong - The Next Level After years of game gulping cash left, right and center at the old arcade machine, Pong has returned in an all new 3D title on the PC. But it isn't just your simple Pong any more. Now you can play Jungle Pong, Football Pong, Ice Hockey Pong and 4 player Pong. All this plus 3D graphics. Not to mention... Читать далее »

  Авторский коллектив: svd, Dremora, neoforma
Авторы описаний: Real, Polax, Ser5, ОчДобрыйЧел

E-mail для связи: svd@step.lv

Дизайн сайта: Александр Каличава

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