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Bibi Blocksberg - Im Bann der Hexenkugel

ОписаниеОписание К сожалению, у игры "Bibi Blocksberg - Im Bann der Hexenkugel" отсутствует описание на русском языке. Если Вам удалось описать происходящее в игре, то отошлите, пожалуйста, свое описание по адресу svd@step.lv. Большое спасибо за сотрудничество!

Bibi Blocksberg is the star of a German children's radio play and TV series. She is an apprentice witch, living in the common world of today, who has to live through different adventures.The story: During a witch meeting, a lightning bolt struck and broke a crystal ball in seven parts, causing the witches to go mad. Bibi Blocksberg now has find all the parts to put them together and to restore the witches' mental health.The game is an action-adventure. The seven levels, each corresponding to one witch and one part of the crystal ball, are full of monsters which hurt Bibi when she touches them. The health can be restored by finding sweets hidden in the level. Apart of monsters, there are persons which help her. In each level there is a magical item, often reachable only after getting through a little "game in game", that expands Bibi's magical powers, for example the broom that allows her to fly. The magic has to be used sparsely, because it costs magical energy, which can be recharged by finding little pulsating dots. This magical item is needed to get to the witch of the level, which Bibi has to fight. If she wins, the witch gets back to normal, gives her a part of the crystal ball and Bibi can go the the next level.There also is a password system that allows the player to jump to different situations in the game, so that one does not have to play it through in one session.

Жанр Действие, Приключение, Комиксы, Изометрия
РазмерРазмер 245 кб
КартинкиКартинки К сожалению, к игре "Bibi Blocksberg - Im Bann der Hexenkugel" нет картинок. Если у Вас есть "скриншоты" данной игры, то вышлите их пожалуйста по адресу svd@step.lv. Большое спасибо за сотрудничество!
Дата релиза: 2001
Разработчик: BVM Produktion GmbH
Издатель: KIDDINX Entertainment GmbH
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Скачало 291 раз
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  Авторский коллектив: svd, Dremora, neoforma
Авторы описаний: Real, Polax, Ser5, ОчДобрыйЧел

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