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ОписаниеОписание К сожалению, у игры "Timecop" отсутствует описание на русском языке. Если Вам удалось описать происходящее в игре, то отошлите, пожалуйста, свое описание по адресу svd@step.lv. Большое спасибо за сотрудничество!

Based off of the Jean Claude Van Damme film Timecop, this game acts as a sequel of sorts. We learned well from the film that the power time travel affords corrupts all men weaker than the Muscles from Brussels, and this has extended to the original inventor of time travel. He proclaims himself dictator of the universe, captures Van Damme as he arrives from fixing all the wrongs in the film, and challenges him to a "duel across time." Platforming action follows across multiple periods of history.The primary feature of this game is its digitized characters, uncommon for console games of that era. Actors were taped in front of a bluescreen and stills were taken from the video to create all characters and their animations. The effect is impressive for the SNES, though it does result in robotic enemies who do not respond well to being punched or kicked. The "timing,", both in terms of controlling your character and fighting with enemy characters seems off through the entire game.There are 15 levels in total, most of which are standard fighting platform levels. Three basic fighting moves are available to the character, not including jumping and crouching kicks, and not including the use of a gun with extremely limited ammo. Some vehicle levels are mixed in, and the game culminates in a jetpack duel over Los Angeles with the villainous time travel creator fellow.The game also featured some rare use of digital voice, primarily in the "FBI... Get on it!" background theme in the first few levels.

Жанр Действие, Боевые искусства, Фантастика / Будущее, Платформер
РазмерРазмер 1334 кб
КартинкиКартинки Оригинальный размер: 216x188. Нажми, чтобы увеличить! Оригинальный размер: 216x188. Нажми, чтобы увеличить!
Дата релиза: 1995
Разработчик: Cryo Interactive Entertainment
Издатель: Victor Interactive Software, Inc.
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  Авторский коллектив: svd, Dremora, neoforma
Авторы описаний: Real, Polax, Ser5, ОчДобрыйЧел

E-mail для связи: svd@step.lv

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