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Количество игр на странице: 
Игра Картинка Краткое описание
Space Harrier
Действие, Аркада, Фантастика / Будущее, Шутер, От третьего лица
Размер: 153 кб
Скачало: 363
Комментариев: 0
Space Harrier Run… fly… dodge those obstacles, but return fire on wave after wave of attacking aliens. Armed with a really big gun, you have to defend yourself against the alien hordes using your wits to navigate around the screen. But watch out for those end of level bosses!
Space Harrier 3D
Действие, Шутер, От третьего лица
Размер: 135 кб
Скачало: 335
Комментариев: 0
Space Harrier 3D Space Harrier 3-D is more like Space Harrier 1 1/2. While it's not a direct sequel to Space Harrier, it was designed to take advantage of the 3-D glasses available at the time. This game is considerably darker than the original and the sequel in both look and feel. Even the digitized voices are deeper... Читать далее »
Space Invaders
Размер: 7 кб
Скачало: 302
Комментариев: 0
Space Invaders  
Space Mountain
Размер: 6 кб
Скачало: 268
Комментариев: 0
Space Mountain  
Space Slalom
Размер: 6 кб
Скачало: 304
Комментариев: 0
Space Slalom  

Размер: 299 кб
Скачало: 343
Комментариев: 0
Special Criminal Investigation
Действие, Гонки / Вождение, Шутер, От третьего лица
Размер: 102 кб
Скачало: 309
Комментариев: 0
Special Criminal Investigation Three girls have been reported missing including the mayor's daughter, and Chase Special Investigations has asked you to track down five vehicles, mentioned in the mission briefing, who are believed to be involved in the kidnapping. Using a heavy-designed machine with a V6 DOHC 3000CC Twin Turbo Engine,... Читать далее »
Действие, Спортивная, Файтинг, Фантастика / Будущее, Сверху вниз
Размер: 57 кб
Скачало: 291
Комментариев: 0
Speedball The original future sport game, Speedball is played out on a small court with five players on each team, making it more frantic than the more famous sequel. The ball must be thrown into the goal at your opponent's end. Any amount of physical contact can be made, and there are no illegal ways to get the... Читать далее »
Speedball 2
Действие, Спортивная, Фантастика / Будущее, Сверху вниз
Размер: 129 кб
Скачало: 320
Комментариев: 0
Speedball 2 Brutal Deluxe don't live up to their name - in fact they're the worst team Speedball has ever seen. As their manager, it is your job to transform their fortunes. As well as the league system, which consists of 2 8-team divisions and challenges you to advance to the top, there are also 2 cup tournaments,... Читать далее »
Действие, Приключение, Аниме / Манга, Комиксы, Детектив / Тайна, Средневековье / Фэнтези, От первого лица, От третьего лица, Платформер, Боковой скроллинг
Размер: 342 кб
Скачало: 363
Комментариев: 0
Spellcaster SpellCaster is an action/adventure game where you play the role of Kane, who has been summoned by Daikak, the great leader of the Summit Temple, where he trained in the ancient art of battle, to check on a group of warriors that were sent by him to guard a temple, but as he left, he felt grim certainty... Читать далее »

  Авторский коллектив: svd, Dremora, neoforma
Авторы описаний: Real, Polax, Ser5, ОчДобрыйЧел

E-mail для связи: svd@step.lv

Дизайн сайта: Александр Каличава

Поддержи сайт (bitcoin): 3K6Ky8K5C2UJr63Gjj6zaKtat527oidYUy