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Количество игр на странице: 
Игра Картинка Краткое описание
Jim Power - The Arcade Game
Размер: 519 кб
Скачало: 687
Комментариев: 0
Jim Power - The Arcade Game  
Jimmy White's Whirlwind Snooker
Спортивная (Пул / Снукер), От первого лица
Размер: 167 кб
Скачало: 607
Комментариев: 0
Jimmy White's Whirlwind Snooker A 3D snooker simulator from the very early 1990s. The table and cue could be turned through almost any angle, with shot strength and spin as required too. An on-screen dotted white line showed the path of your ball, including the next bounce.There was also a "trick-shot" mode, allowing you... Читать далее »
Joe & Mac Caveman Ninja
Действие, Платформер, Боковой скроллинг
Размер: 545 кб
Скачало: 1879
Комментариев: 5
Joe & Mac Caveman Ninja You play Joe and Mac, cavemen ninjas, in a multi-level platform area where you have to jump and club your enemies.
Joe Montana Football
Действие, Спортивная (Американский футбол), Сверху вниз
Размер: 164 кб
Скачало: 423
Комментариев: 0
Joe Montana Football Joe Montana Football for the Genesis is an action-oriented football game starring Hall of Fame quarterback Joe Montana of the San Francisco 49'ers. Play a single game, a 2-minute drill or try to win the SEGA Bowl. Play against a friend or against the computer.Both on the offensive end as well as on the... Читать далее »
Joe Montana Sports Talk Football
Спортивная (Американский футбол), От третьего лица, Сверху вниз
Размер: 778 кб
Скачало: 386
Комментариев: 0
Joe Montana Sports Talk Football An entry in Sega's early football series, Sports Talk '93 weighs in at an impressive (for the time) 12 megs. Play any of the 28 teams in Exhibition, League Play, Play-offs, or the Super Bowl. Multiple field views and Sports Talk 2.0 ("over two times more commentary") are the main features... Читать далее »

Joe Montana Sports Talk Football 2
Размер: 551 кб
Скачало: 2462
Комментариев: 0
Joe Montana Sports Talk Football 2 Спортивная игра, кажется регби. Т.к. я в этом ничего не смыслю, то ничего и не стану описывать :)
John Madden Football
Спортивная (Американский футбол), От третьего лица, Сверху вниз
Размер: 432 кб
Скачало: 413
Комментариев: 0
John Madden Football Unlike the first computer versions, this game originated on consoles and focuses on the action on the field instead of detailed strategy. There is still a detailed range of moves available, all grouped for quick selection.Game play modes include regular season, playoffs and sudden death. The game features... Читать далее »
John Madden Football '92
Спортивная (Американский футбол), От третьего лица, Сверху вниз
Размер: 269 кб
Скачало: 388
Комментариев: 0
John Madden Football '92 This update of the John Madden football series offers several new features over its predecessor: instant replays, different weather conditions, player injuries and the ability to review and overturn pass interference calls.Play modes include Pre-Season, Regular Season, Playoffs and Sudden Death. There... Читать далее »
John Madden Football '93
Спортивная (Американский футбол), От третьего лица
Размер: 419 кб
Скачало: 401
Комментариев: 0
John Madden Football '93 Another update in the Madden football series. New this time are some graphics and animations, including an animated coin toss and some player moves. New gameplay features are no-huddle offense and a stop clock play.There are 28 teams from the '92-'93 season, two All Madden teams and 8 Greatest Ever teams.Game... Читать далее »
John Madden Football '93 - Championship Edition
Размер: 420 кб
Скачало: 443
Комментариев: 0
John Madden Football '93 - Championship Edition  

  Авторский коллектив: svd, Dremora, neoforma
Авторы описаний: Real, Polax, Ser5, ОчДобрыйЧел

E-mail для связи: svd@step.lv

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