Konami Hyper Soccer
Описание |
К сожалению, у
игры "Konami Hyper Soccer" отсутствует описание на русском языке. Если Вам удалось
описать происходящее в игре, то отошлите, пожалуйста, свое
описание по адресу svd@step.lv.
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Konami's Hyper Soccer is an soccer game in the Hyper Sports series. This is an action game for one or two players against the computer or each other.You can play the game in tournament mode or play just one match in demonstration mode.You can choose from several different national teams, select the start formation of the team and other player parameters as speed, technique, offense, defense, kick and even luck.Soccer features throw-ins, goal kicks, corner kicks, penalty kicks and an overhead view of the field which scrolls to follow the action.
Жанр |
Действие, Спортивная (Футбол), Аркада, Сверху вниз |
Размер |
80 кб |
Картинки |
Подсказки, коды и обманки: |
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Brazil Team Passwords. Enter these passwords at the tournament continue screen to go to a specific match. Note that I've used the bonus points given to you to Kick, Speed and Offence before the other stats. Password | Effect | *-9-9-9-6-3-3-1 2-4-*-!!-7-*-v-6 | 1st Round World Cup Match vs France | *-9-2-1-*-8-//-1 2-4-O-7-7-9-9-6 | 2nd Qualifying Match vs Korea | *-9-3-1-3-8-3-1 2-4-^-7-7-v-9-6 | 3rd Qualifying Match vs USA | *-9-4-1-9-6-8-1 2-4-X-7-7-//-9-6 | 4th Qualifying Match vs Mexico | *-9-5-1-8-6-8-1 2-4-!!-7-7-*-9-6 | 5th Qualifying Match vs AUS | *-9-6-1-6-6-v-1 2-4-*-9-7-*-9-6 | 6th Qualifying Match vs Ireland | *-9-7-1-4-6-O-1 2-4-*-v-7-*-9-6 | 7th Qualifying Match vs Cameron | *-9-8-1-6-6-O-1 2-4-*-!!-7-*-9-6 | 8th Qualifying Match vs Scotland | Qualifying and Tournament Passwords These passwords will have you playing as the USA Team. The Password entry screen is found by entering Tournament mode then pressing continue. Here is a key to the symbols used in the password system: *=Star Symbol ^=Triangle V=Upside-Down Triangle O=Circle /=Slanted Box symbol
Password | Effect | 2-!!-2-1-V-7-O-1-2-4-*-*-*-*-*-* | Qualifying Game 2 vs Korea | 2-!!-3-1-!!-7-3-1-2-4-*-*-*-*-*-* | Qualifying Game 3 vs Mexico | 2-!!-4-1-8-7-X-1-2-4-*-*-*-*-*-* | Qualifying Game 4 vs Australia | 2-!!-5-1-2-7-5-1-2-4-*-*-*-*-*-* | Qualifying Game 5 vs Ireland | 2-!!-6-1-/-7-V-1-2-4-*-*-*-*-*-* | Qualifying Game 6 vs Cambodia | 2-!!-7-1-1-7-1-1-2-4-*-*-*-*-*-* | Qualifying Game 7 vs Scotland | 2-!!-8-1-*-7-2-1-2-4-*-*-*-*-*-* | Qualifying Game 8 vs Hungary | 2-!!-9-6-*-7-7-1-2-4-*-*-*-*-*-* | World Finals 1st Round vs Italy | 2-!!-V-6-4-7-^-8-/-2-*-*-*-*-*-* | World Finals Championship vs Poland | 2-!!-O-6-7-7-V-8-2-4-*-*-*-*-*-* | World Finals Quarter Finals vs Colombia | 2-!!-^-6-9-7-5-8-/-4-*-*-*-*-*-* | World Finals Semi Finals vs Argentina | |
Дата релиза: |
1992 |
Разработчик: |
Konami Co., Ltd. |
Издатель: |
Konami Co., Ltd. |
Оценка пользователей |
Скачало |
559 раз |
Комментариев |
0 |